New core CPD courses available

We are excited to announce that we are now able to add to our current core CPD training courses. We are now able to provide;

Radiography & Radiation Protection + Disinfection & Decontamination

This session will be 3 hours of verifiable CPD. 

Radiography & Radiation Protection

To deliver a CPD session to revise and update information on radiography and radiation protection


Disinfection & Decontamination

To deliver a CPD session on disinfection & decontamination, revising and updating knowledge.


For more information or to book your training please get in contact with the office at or alternatively call us on 02921 304 101

Dragon Boat Race 2017

We are once again excited to announce we will be participating in Bobath Wales 'Dragon Boat race 2017'. 

The race takes place over one day and each team will take part in a minimum of 3 races over a 250 metre stretch of water before the teams with the fastest times go through to the Grand Final!

 Each boat needs 10 paddlers and a drummer to keep the rhythm! So if you were able to contribute a donation it would be greatly appreciated. 

Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre Wales provides physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy to children all over Wales who have cerebral palsy. Bobath therapists are state-registered and work together as a team to combine these disciplines to give each child the skills to explore their world, communicate their needs, maximise their potential and so improve their quality of life.

We would greatly appreciate if you could contribute to the great work Bobath do, we have set up a Just Giving page to collect donations.