New core CPD courses available
We are excited to announce that we are now able to add to our current core CPD training courses. We are now able to provide;
Radiography & Radiation Protection + Disinfection & Decontamination
This session will be 3 hours of verifiable CPD.
Radiography & Radiation Protection
To deliver a CPD session to revise and update information on radiography and radiation protection
- Discuss how x-rays are produced
- State the dangers of radiation and the effects it can have on the body
- Identify the different dental views used
- Explain the use of x-ray holders
- Discuss the methods of radiation protection
Disinfection & Decontamination
To deliver a CPD session on disinfection & decontamination, revising and updating knowledge.
- Define disinfection and decontamination
- Explain the correct hand washing techniques
- Revise micro-organisms
- Identify infectious conditions relevant in the dental environment
- consider single-use items
- discuss the control of aerosols
- State the importance of correct maintenance of water lines
- Explain the decontamination process (preparation of instruments, selection of sterilisation cycle and packing of sterile kits)
For more information or to book your training please get in contact with the office at or alternatively call us on 02921 304 101