Do I Need a Dental Specific ILS course?

Posted on September 12, 2024

Here's what you need to know about Dental ILS training in your practice.

There's lots of options when it comes to ILS training in your dental practice - but does your ILS need to be dental specific?

Tooth with question marking indicating question about dentistry

Why ILS?

ILS training is required for any dental practice delivering sedation. Your sedation team must all be trained in the advanced airway management techniques required in an emergency.

If you offer sedation in your practice, understanding the potential medical emergencies associated are vital.

But does your training have to be dental specific? It's a grey area so let's try & shed some light on it.

What's the Guidance?

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (it just rolls off the tongue!) or IACSD provide the Standards for Conscious Sedation in the provision of Dental Care (another snappy title).

The standards should give you all you need to know about sedation & the training you need. But does it?

IACSD state that the entire sedation team must be trained in ILS as per Resuscitation Council UK guidance. They also state that you don't have to attend a Resus Council course & that dental specific equivalent ILS courses are also acceptable.

So you're still left asking...'WHAT SHOULD I DO?'.

We Still Haven't Answered the Question...

That's because, as usual, there isn't a single answer for everyone.

Ultimately, you don't have to do a dental specific ILS course. But consider some of the following questions before deciding:

  • Would your team benefit more from scenario based training in the place they'll be working (your practice)?
  • Would your team benefit from training that covers specific areas relevant to the most likely outcomes within dentistry rather than a hospital environment?
  • Would your team feel more confident having their specific concerns about sedation & ILS within dentistry answered?
  • Would your team prefer content that's been tailored to dentistry to a generic, hospital based course?

It's all about feeling confident & prepared. You want to know that if something goes wrong, your team will work together to calmly & effectively manage the emergency right?

Training in your practice, with your team & your equipment is usually the best route to that outcome.

So what do we recommend?

Our Recommendation

We always recommend that any training you take should be completed to best prepare your team not to just tick the boxes.

Anything you can do to make your team feel more confident in an emergency at your practice will always be worth it should the worst happen.

Dental specific training will ensure you get training that's suited to you & your team. This will engage your team & give them a safe environment for asking all the question thy need to.

Ideally, ILS training that follows on from your CPR & Medical Emergencies would also be preferrable. One provider can maintain consistency through your training & get to know your team & how you operate.

The decision lies with you & what suits your team best. But if you're unsure or need any further guidance, get in touch - that's what we're here for!

P.S. If you're ready to book a Dental ILS course for your practice you can BOOK HERE